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New News CEO is assigned by the Rachi turns

Intel on Rebo announced new CEO will take a chipmaker’s bright.

When CEOs are bearing lip-bu and tan.

“I am honored to join Intel as CEO,” he said in a statement. “I have a respect and admire for this Immonic company, and I see important abilities to make our business by our disorder.”

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Tan will take more Intel Interesing, which David Zinsner Zincern property helme is not the last year, started getting the last year, started getting the last year, start starting the year ago, starts saus.

Some large companies and ways separated by this way this year

“Lip-chili is an extraordinary leader who has a technology industry, deep relationships in the product and ecosy creates the next value of the future, said the raises are finished.

Tan CEO design TYCH COMMUNICATIONS when CEO is about 12 years, from 2009 to 2021, according to Intel.

The chipmaker said said the result of growing two sizes while the company’s purchases.

He is also one of the invitation of business valisors’ establishes manages. It said firmly speaking on his site by this site “is” data, the technology, awh, mui, digital biology. ”

Land now has a board seat loaded with a cruise with electric schneider, according to Intel.

Lip-this tan

Es ceo lip-bu tan (Business / Intel)

All, he has more than two decades “grapes and software influences as well as a large way of relationship,” Intel’s said

Tan turns into a member of Intel Board once again when he became CEO. He previously on boards from September 2022 to August 2024.

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Tan said in the Published message on the elel website that he joined the company “because I believe with each letter that we have what you need.”

“Intel plays an important role in the technology ecossifies, than in the US and in the world. And, I’m sure of the Customer,” said.

Tan said the instel “will recommend to develop the best product, listen outside until our privacy and hold on to our commitment” in his dmine.

“In the area where we looked for a pitcher, we need to take the risk to distract with Leekforin,” he said in a message. “And in the area where our progress has been slower than expected, we must find a new way to take speed.”

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Incel formed $ 53.1 mileplyal in 2024, marking six years to year. It also sees the loss of $ 18.8 billion for a period of 12-month period.

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Eric Revel controlled into this report.

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