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Depade charity from the world world sealed a historic deal to limit Iran nuclear programs, this is a tempit community.
Country is now closer than ever can make nuclear bombs.
And agreement – designed to prevent Iranians to develop nuclear weapons – expire before this year.
“That’s a good fork at the moment of the way,” said to say the Vakil according to London tanks. “Without diplomacy and successful we can see Iran’s weapon or we can see military stance against Islamic Republic.”
Deal, back pain in two-year-old in Ocama’s Ocama’s President, Presidentially imposed in Iranian nuclear activities for relief from the depressed country.
But after Donald Trump is drawn from the Agreement in 2018 during the first president and reversed the US Sankyan, Iran slowly stop the accurate ship.
Has accelerate urine fertilization – used to make reactant fuel material but also potentially nuclear – to close into weapons.
Expert says it will now take Iran less than a week to indeed enough material to make nuclear weapons.
Hence the skeletatic activity by us and the other five party for deal – English, China, German and Russia.

The door meeting from the Council of the UNTY Council is discussing Iranian nuclear programs on Wednesday.
And Chinese are talks with Iran and Russia on Friday in the “Diplexic” resolution.
“In today’s situation, we believe that the day you have to keep the listen to Iranian nuclear conditions, or walked by the MOO week’s weekend to say une weeks.
Wednesday, the letter from the President Trump was sent in the tehor’s diplomat of the Arab Union.
The content has not been generally made.
But President Trump, after imposing new sanctions in Iran as part of the “supply of” issued a Televatis to Iran
“I have written back of them, ‘I mmmmmmmmmbles you would like to go back to the backs because if we should be going to be a lost item,” said it.
Iranian leaders, Ayatlikah Ali Khameni, appears to decline the idea of teaching and “bully”.
Forest – General – has the reward of the Nucenezeshkir, who ever supported nuclear messaging markets, asleu again to end.
But the country has sent a mixed message.
“There is a place inside the country to choose only,” said Dr Vakil. “And there’s a camp who saw weapons as the best opportunity to manage security.”
Trust in Trump Administration is a very short supply.
“They’ve seen the spent, very much to (President Susnthnymanat’s ZELENSYABROYAT ZELENSKY. And the proposal is in that position,” d dh hill.
Iran Hite who brings the gun held into their heads. But now resistant – militaded weak by the weather of the Israel last year, which believed has been able to get the repression of the air.
Israel has been going to take the facility.
Irranian’s self-advantage continue to insists the country nuclear program is for a peaceful purpose.
But attention in the international community becomes more acute.

Atomic energy body (IAAA) – examined with manta christmas wangline – said a different Iran’s IT more in a few years that have countries in the next few years of the year.
Urianium’s in the year of 60% – near 90% required for a weapon – a very “tool”, Gauto “IAAA Director Rauriel Rauri.
“Significant increased producties and the accumulation of the Garadium mentioned by Iran, the samqueag of non-nuclear ars to produce a sirlire material as,” IAA are serious in the latest report. “Iaea said.
But nuclear repairs are no longer in a position to check exactly what Iranian do, because the authority has exceeded the surveillance tool.
Mr Crydici said diplomatic engagements and Iran – through what channel – now urgent with “not important”.
In October 18, the parties for the nucleartest of nuclear 2015 will lose the ability to force the called “snap-return” sanctions and santers to violate the terms.
So England, France and Germany are the threat of stap-now, in expectation of pressure when they still can.
“We clearly is we will take the dip size in preventing nuclear byiring of nuclear, which includes the use of snaptant, jurny karisuor.
The higher stak for Iran – and the world.
“If the Tehran decided to build a bomb, it can be a mobilized to some colorful in a week,” According to other Strategic pretties for other strategic prisoners for job strategic.
Setting up and assemble a weapon can deliver, just a few months to a year or more, he said to BBC.
“Iran is close from ever to nuclear weapons,” he said. “But still not clear if you have decided to develop nuclear weapons or if looking for a storm.”