Carldinged just told in a dramatic event that causes him to lose the presumption of the naughty naughty year. In the interview shared by media media in X, Eddding Savings Reminder that leads to that race and how to end up with him to lose title.
Video, installed as part of the interview in Dale Jr. sleepyshowed shocking talking about an unable to be forgotten at homestead-miami. Edwarded recalled how much the motorcycle is broken, and something wrong in the path. Although the longest car, he said almost eat and Danica Patrick when performing. He describes the important moment when a bad hole or mistake he left he born behind the cup car. She menu remembers the head of the body personality, Rivers DAVERS, reassure him on the radio.
“Danica and I was almost obviously in practice. We have a bad car, and it was to be able to pull, I can work,” eXDerty talked.
Carl Edwards encourages continue, soften all its competitors. But carefully proved to be a point of turn. He claims to feel like the world is against him, add:
“It’s like the final thing that says, Dammit, you are not supposed to get this thing.”
He is even accused of Nascar throw carefully to make a race more attractive, call “facts.” However, with time, he saw married, aware that the Pusk he must step away from the racing. Eung Nailing that losing a title that helps him understand that driving don’t call it right.
Carl Edward returns to Nasscar- but this time, in the Stan broadcast
Through the camecade away from Ircar, CARLDED EDDARD is a comeback, but not like a driver. He joined the Amazar video team as a line studio and Daniele Danielel trotta and core in the twelve in the twelve. He will cover the package of five races start with Cola 600 on May 25, followed by racing in Nasono, Pexigan, Porialo City City.
In the passing time with alacar radio, carldard explained whether he agreed. For many years, he has offered to join the following stan, but a five-race schedule until he.
“I’m in Hong Kong in this separate thing,” Edexe said. “And randy more complete, ‘hey, Amazon will do some of this race. It’s five races and they want to talk to you.’ And it strikes me at that time. I thought, a man, five races, my boys call me. “This thought will cool.” This thought would be cool. “
Amazon’s team flee the Missouri to thank spedded – rare show since he rarely find a meeting in their homes. But he felt an instant connection with the body.
“We are simply ran around Columbia, Missouri and my normal day. And I realized this is a part of the family,” he added.
Edward appreciated that the team does not focus on “matching a relationship with a number.” Opposite, they want to make a nacecar closure for the forecast. For those who missed carl Edwarde ‘insight and charlously, return – even from behind the table – will look temporarily.
Edited by HIM CHANCE