Couple Health Insurance - Compare Joint Health Insurance (2025)

Couple Health Insurance – Compare Joint Health Insurance (2025)

Private health insurance for couples, often called joint private health insurance, gives you and your partner access to private healthcare providers in the UK should either of you need it. While in the past there were no financial incentives for taking out a joint policy, in recent years some providers have started offering couples discounts.

Is it cheaper to get a joint private health insurance policy?

We are often asked if it is cheaper to get a joint health insurance policy compared to two individual policies. While in the past there were no financial incentives for couples to take out a joint private health insurance policy, in recent years providers have started offering small discounts when you sign up with a partner.

In addition to the financial benefits of a joint policy, applying jointly will reduce your own administration and paperwork, especially around renewal time each year. Finally, another significant benefit of a couple’s health insurance policy is that it will easily convert into a family policy if you want to add children in the future.

Shared policies can sometimes cost more

In certain circumstances, you may find that a joint policy ends up costing more than two individual ones. This is because if you and the other person on the policy are quite different in terms of medical history and age, it may be cheaper to have you with different insurers rather than the same one.

Advantages of shared private health insurance

The benefits of joint private health insurance are mostly identical to two individual health insurance policies, with the added benefit of reduced administration and discounts with certain providers.

  • Both you and your partner can avoid potential delays on NHS waiting lists
  • You will both have access to the latest medicines and treatments, some of which are not available on the NHS
  • You can choose where you and your partner will be treated and when
  • You will be given more choice compared to the consultant who is treating you
  • You could save money by taking out a joint policy
  • You will have less admin and you will be able to switch to family policy too easily

Read now: Our latest reviews of the best health insurance providers in the UK

Who can get joint private health insurance?

In the UK, as long as you are cohabiting with another person, you can get Joint Private Medical Insurance, instead of two separate private health insurance policies. So you don’t have to be married, just officially live together. If you and your partner do not live together but would like to take out a policy together, you should consider taking out a family health insurance policy.

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Illustration of three people having questions about private health insurance in the UK.

What does couple health insurance cover?

The couple’s health insurance will cover the minimum costs of hospital treatment where an overnight stay in hospital is required for the treatment of acute conditions. Chronic conditions, i.e. those that cannot be cured, such as diabetes and asthma, will not be covered by your policy. If you suffer from a chronic condition, this will not necessarily mean that you cannot get a policy, it will just mean that the condition will be excluded.

Inpatient treatment

All joint health insurance policies cover the costs of treatment in a private hospital where an overnight stay is required (inpatient). This can be recovery from a major operation or a treatment that is carried out over several days.

Daily treatment of patients

Most, but not all, joint health insurance policies cover the cost of your stay in a hospital bed for just one day, without the need for an overnight stay. It may be that, for example, you have undergone minor surgery and only need a bed for a few hours of observation.

Outpatient treatment

Outpatient treatment is any test, procedure or consultation that does not require a hospital bed. When you configure your policy, you can choose to have no outpatient treatment, cover up to a certain annual cash value, or full outpatient coverage.

Diagnosis and methods of treatment

Depending on the amount of cover you have and how comprehensive your policy is, your and your partner’s journey to treatment will be slightly different. To illustrate this, we have listed the two most common treatment methods.

Treatment only in the hospital

If you only have cover for hospital treatment, you will first need to get a diagnosis through the NHS. This could mean that your treatment is delayed if you find yourself on a waiting list for a particular test or consultation.

It is important to point out that if you find that things are going too slowly in the NHS (and you have some savings), you can choose to pay for private tests and consultations yourself.

Path to treatment for basic health insurance policies:

  1. See your NHS GP
  2. Be referred to an NHS specialist
  3. Get tested on the NHS
  4. Get a diagnosis from the NHS
  5. Referral to private healthcare for treatment

Full ambulatory coverage of the treatment route

If you have full ambulatory insurance, this will mean that everything except the first visit to the GP will be done privately.

Path to treatment for comprehensive insurance policies:

  1. See your NHS GP
  2. Referral to a private specialist
  3. Test yourself privately
  4. Get diagnosed privately
  5. Treat yourself privately

How much does joint health insurance cost?

Joint health insurance policies usually cost about the same per person as having two individual health insurance policies, minus a discount of approx. 5% depending on your service provider. Although it may seem counterintuitive, it can actually be cheaper and more beneficial to set up two separate policies with different providers, rather than running a joint policy. During your conversation with one of our advisors, we’ll look at your and your partner’s circumstances and medical history and advise which route would be best for both of you.

Which insurance companies offer discounts on couple’s health insurance?

Currently the only discount provider on a joint health insurance policy is Bupa, with a 5% discount for the first year of the policy. However, this doesn’t mean Bupa will be the cheapest for you and your partner, and you should still compare policies before buying to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

Can unmarried couples be on the same health insurance?

Yes, as long as you live with your partner, you will be able to get couple health insurance. In fact, even if you don’t live together, you may be able to take out a family policy together. To see which one is best for you and your partner, ask for a quote at the first moment.

Waiver: This information is general and what is best for you will depend on your personal circumstances. Talk to a financial advisor or do your own research before making a decision.

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