Bupa Private Client

Bupa Private Client > Elite International Healthcare

Bupa Private Client is the flagship product of this global name for high net worth individuals and families. It promises to give unrivaled access to private medical and wellness facilities, going far beyond the responsible treatment of private health insurance, offering preventive care as well. In this review, we explain the key differences between Bupa Private Care and typical health insurance and provide an independent analysis of the product and company.

What is Bupa Private Client?

Bupa Private Client was coined as more than just healthcare; it’s “lifecare”. As Bupa’s premium offering is the ultimate in health and wellbeing services, it goes without saying that it gives you award-winning health insurance, but on top of that, access to private specialists and facilities without having to wait for a GP referral.

A significant difference between Bupa Private Client and private health insurance (PMI) focuses on preventive care. PMI is, by its very nature, sensitive; you call him when you are not well, while with Bupa Private Care the goal is to prevent, but also to cure. Ultimately, the service is focused on helping you not only to solve problems when they arise, but to move forward in life and well-being.

What is the difference between private health insurance and Bupa Private Client?

Private health insurance is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, due to well-publicised NHS backlogs and waiting lists. Although private health insurance provides a significant number of benefits, it is certainly not without limitations. To give a few examples, here are some things that are not covered by PMI’s standard policy:

  • Maternity care
  • Chronic conditions
  • Preventive examinations
  • Alternative treatments such as Chinese medicine, homeopathy and naturopathy
  • International cover
  • Pandemic and epidemic coverage
  • Medical evacuation
  • Ambulance

Bupa Private Care aims to bridge the gap between private medical insurance and NHS services, giving those who join everything they need from a health and wellbeing perspective. Of course, this comes at a cost, and as we’ve pointed out, these policies are aimed at high net worth individuals. However, the coverage is comprehensive and provides those who can afford it with arguably everything they need to take care of themselves and their families.

Advantages of Bupa Private Client

While things like “a complete wellness solution” sound great, they don’t tell us exactly what you’re getting and why this service is worth its weight in gold. In this section, we’ll detail each of the primary benefits of the service so you can see why annual premiums are significantly higher than PMI.

Dedicated gatekeeper

Unlike PMI, where the application process usually involves calling generic numbers and call centers to get things going, with Bupa Private Client you get what they call a “Lifecare Concierge”, who is on hand to not only make sure you get through maximum from your plan than to support you when you need treatment or care. One phone call or email and your Lifecare Concierge will take care of everything, helping you get the care you need quickly and efficiently without disrupting the rhythm of your life.

There are no general practitioner referrals

With Bupa Private Client, you don’t need to visit or wait to see a GP to get a referral. You get direct access to the private experts you need and first-class service from start to finish.

Access to a global network of healthcare providers

Bupa Private Client does not limit you to treatments in the country where you primarily reside. If, for example, certain treatment is available in the US and you are in the UK, your travel and treatment costs will be covered. As with all these things, restrictions apply and treatment and costs must be approved, but it is important that you are not fundamentally restricted to medical services in the UK.

Full private maternity insurance (after ten months)

Although most PMI policies do not cover routine pregnancy, it is included in Bupa Private Client. From 10 months onwards, you or your partner can benefit from exclusive private maternity care, giving your baby the best start in life.

24/7 access to global virtual care

This part of the service gives you unlimited access to a global network of doctors via phone, in-app video or by arrangement with Cromwell Hospital Virtual Care. No matter where you are in the world or time zone, you are; you can rest assured knowing that first-class care and advice is at hand when you need it.

Annual health examinations

Once you’ve been a member for ten months, you’ll get access to annual health checks aimed at keeping you at peak performance. Screenings and preventive care include vitamin therapy, cryotherapy, tests for antibodies to Covid-19 and genetic screening for cancer.

Mental health and well-being therapies

As with all Bupa Private Clients, their mental health and wellbeing cover is comprehensive, ensuring you and your family are looking after not just your body, but your mind too.

Dental and optical cover

Comprehensive dental and optical cover is included as standard in Bupa Private Care, even to the extent of laser eye surgery when required,

Summary of benefits

As you can see, in addition to the standard benefits you might enjoy with PMI, Bupa Private Client gives you access to the next level of private medical treatment and preventative care.

Bupa Private Client review

Bupa may be the best known health insurer in the UK, perhaps even globally, but their private client service is less well known. Although Bupa UK has collected around 11,555 reviews at the time of writing, there is little in the way of third-party buyers validating their private client offering, perhaps due to the sensitive nature of many of their clients.

Here at myTribe, we have several clients who have chosen this premium care from Bupa and from what we understand from them and their representatives, the service has been exemplary. Indeed, with Bupa starting to push these elite, high-end offerings, we have no doubt that they will place even greater emphasis on developing the highest possible service in the weeks, months and years to come.

Offer from private client Bupa

So with an outstanding review, a market-leading, elite-level offering, the question is, how much does it cost? The good news is that you can now get Bupa Private Client pricing through myTribe and compare it with other options on the market. Request a quote and one of our expert health insurance brokers will contact you to discuss your requirements.

Waiver: This information is general and what is best for you will depend on your personal circumstances. Talk to a financial advisor or do your own research before making a decision.

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