Overview of Aviva Health Insurance (2024) - Healthier solutions

Overview of Aviva Health Insurance (2024) – Healthier solutions

Aviva may be a household name, but they may not be the first company that comes to mind when you think of health insurance. However, their flagship product Healthier Solutions is comparable and, for some people, more convenient than other market leader policies. In this guide, we introduce you to Aviva and explore their products and independent reviews to give you a thorough understanding of the services they provide.

Aviva’s background

Amazingly, Aviva can trace its history back to London in 1696, some 320 years ago! Of course, three centuries of business led to the company’s change, growth and expansion into new markets in the country and abroad. Today, Aviva is the UK’s largest general insurer and a significant provider of pensions and life insurance.

With products ranging from car insurance and breakdown cover to travel insurance and life cover, you’ve probably had an Aviva insurance policy at some point. With approximately 15.5 million customers in the UK and many more overseas, it would be fair to categorize them as a significant player in the market.

In this guide we focus on the Aviva Healthier Solutions product, if you want to see how it compares to others on the market, click here to read our reviews of the leading suppliers.

Aviva healthier solutions

Aviva’s health insurance product, Healthier Solutions, is what we would classify as a comprehensive policy, meaning it covers hospital, day care and outpatient services. This means that diagnostic tests, scans, treatments and post-operative care will be covered. But let’s take a closer look at their coverage so you can see what to expect.

Note: Policy information comes from Aviva website and accurate as of January 1, 2023.

What does Aviva Healthier Solutions cover?

Assuming there are no pre-existing condition exclusions in your policy, Aviva Healthier Solutions covers all of the following:

  • Inpatient and outpatient diagnostic tests, including MRI scans, X-rays, EKGs and blood tests.
  • Specialist and hospital fees for hospital and daily diagnostic tests.
  • Quick access to treatment in excellent private institutions.
  • Cancer treatment and aftercare.
  • Outpatient support for mental health and specialist physiotherapist.
  • 4/7 access to a stress counseling hotline for members 16 and over.
  • Digital application for general practitioners with up to five video consultations per member per year.
  • Savings on gym memberships and discounted lifestyle products.
  • Mental health support
  • NHS cash benefit of £100 each night up to a maximum of 30 nights.
  • Private clinic and home care.
  • Treatment of complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

Optional accessories to increase coverage:

  • Treatments and therapies such as physiotherapy, osteopaths, chiropractors and acupuncture recommended by a general practitioner.
  • Dental cover and optical cover.
  • Mental health treatment as an inpatient or day patient.
  • Protected discount without complaints.

Comprehensive cancer cover as standard

Under the Aviva Cancer Promise, they are committed to supporting you every step of the way with their dedicated oncology team. You will receive first-class inpatient and outpatient treatment and a high level of follow-up care.

The Aviva Pledge states that they will cover all the cancer treatment and palliative care you need, as recommended by your adviser.

They want to make your thighs as comfortable as possible after cancer treatment and therefore provide an excellent level of aftercare, including consultations with specialists such as dieticians and contributing to the cost of braces and wigs.

What cancer treatments does Aviva’s Healthier Solutions cover?

Here is a list summarizing Aviva’s cancer cover; for a complete list, download the terms and conditions of their policies.

  • Outpatient treatment and consultations – extensive outpatient coverage with diagnostic tests and consultations included with radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapy.
  • Medicines for strengthening bones – Aviva will pay for drugs such as bisphosphonates that strengthen the bones after treatment.
  • Preventive treatment of cancer – Aviva will pay for a mastectomy of the healthy breast if you have had cancer of the other breast.
  • Prostheses – Aviva will pay for the cost of the first external prosthesis after cancer surgery.
  • Transplantation of stem cells and bone marrow – including collection storage and implantation.

As you can see, Aviva has prioritized cancer care and its level of coverage stands out among other top providers.

What is not covered by Aviva’s Healthier Solutions?

Similar to all health insurance policies, Aviva’s flagship product has some standard exclusions. It’s important to note that what is and isn’t covered will be based on your circumstances, so treat this as purely general information:

Key exceptions:

  • Pre-existing conditions.
  • Long-term or chronic conditions, meaning those for which there is no cure.
  • Anything related to alcohol or drug abuse.
  • The treatment is carried out by a specialist without a referral from a general practitioner.
  • Kidney dialysis.
  • Cosmetic treatment.
  • Treatments related to sports.
  • Experimental treatments.
  • Self-harm.

For a full list of what is and isn’t covered, open the Aviva Healthier Solutions product information document.

Final words on the cover of Aviva

There are further options that you should consider and discuss with your health insurance agent when you speak with them. You should pay special attention to things like the list of hospitals to make sure there are participating facilities near you.

How much does Aviva health insurance cost?

The cost of an Aviva health insurance policy will vary depending on your requirements, age and medical history, among other factors. To answer the question, we requested several quotes from Aviva and can provide the results below. These figures are indicative only and the price you will pay will be different. You should also consult with a professional health insurance broker to compare providers and policies.

Individual cover

For this article, we requested quotes based on a non-smoker, with no medical history, who lives in Reading and works in management. We opted for the standard product with no extras and chose the £200 excess. We also opt for full coverage.

The cost of healthier solutions for individuals

30 years – £49.65 per month

40 years – £61.59 per month

50 years – £76.51 per month

60 years – £108.16 per month

Family cover

With Aviva’s family health insurance you can save 9% if you add a partner to your policy, compared to the combined price if you took out two separate policies. However, as with all health insurance, it may be cheaper for partners to take out policies with different providers, since you are, after all, individuals with individual characteristics and medical histories. An additional financial benefit of taking out a family policy with Aviva is that if you add more than one child aged 19 or under, you will only pay for the oldest. Let’s dive into the numbers now; similarly as before, we base the quote on a family living in Reading.

The cost of healthier solutions for couples

Couple aged 30 – £87.56 per month

Couple in their 40s – £108.62 per month

Couple in their 50s – £134.94 per month

Couple aged 60 – £190.76 per month

The cost of healthier solutions for families

For this guide, we assume that there are two school-age children on the shelf, one ten years old and the other fifteen. The only variable will be the age of the parents, which we will put at the same levels as the previous two sections.

A couple in their 30s with two children – £107.38 per month

A couple in their 40s with two children – £128.44 per month

A couple in their 50s with two children – £154.76 per month

A couple in their 60s with two children – £210.58 per month

As you can see, adding two children to the policy does not significantly affect the cost.

Aviva health insurance reviews

There don’t seem to be any separate Aviva health insurance reviews available at the moment from what we can see. The only ones we can find worth noting are those for the company as a whole. Aviva currently enjoys an excellent Trustpilot rating of 4.6/5 based on over 8,700 reviews since June 2021. This amount of positive reviews is incredibly encouraging, especially for a financial services company that is so large and has such a diverse client base. One can only assume that with their premium products like health insurance, the level of service is excellent.

Healthier solutions defaqto ratings

Defaqto provides star ratings for a range of financial services products, including insurance. Their independent ratings are based on policy facts, not opinion, giving you a meaningful way to compare the quality and comprehensiveness of policies. Like several other leading comprehensive health insurance policies, Aviva Healthier Solutions de facto achieves the highest rating of five stars. With only six other health insurance products in the UK rated five stars, this indicates the quality and level of cover you can expect.

Aviva Health Insurance Rewards

In 2020, Aviva won two awards at the Health and Protection Awards for both Health and Protection Company of the Year and Best Individual PMI Provider. These industry awards are fiercely competitive. The fact that Aviva came out with two shows the quality of their private health insurance offering.

Aviva business health insurance

Our article so far has focused on Aviva in general, and more on its policy towards consumers. However, they also have a number of business-oriented health insurance policies. Aviva’s business health insurance protects businesses regardless of their size; whether you have one or 2,000 employees, Aviva will be able to create a policy tailored to your requirements.

Many of the features of their rules carry over into their business offering, although there are some subtle differences. Suppose you are looking for a company scheme. In this case, we strongly recommend that you speak to an independent broker to ensure that your policy is configured exactly to your requirements. You get the best deal by comparing all the leading service providers.

Our conclusion

As we hope to have illustrated, Aviva’s health insurance is excellent, backed by a rich history and extensive experience of supporting individuals, families and businesses in the UK.

Aviva Healthier Solutions is a myTribe supported product and is often recommended to our clients by our broker partners.

How to buy an Aviva health insurance policy?

We always recommend that you speak to an independent health insurance broker to ensure that you are getting the best deal. While it may be convenient to choose a provider and purchase their policy, what is and isn’t covered between providers will vary, as will the price. By working with a broker, who by the way won’t charge you a penny, you’ll get an independent view of the market and recommendations tailored to your needs.

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