| After the president shot by the president, JFK's car was killed in 93 CLINF Hill

After the president shot by the president, JFK’s car was killed in 93 CLINF Hill

Kind anglin Hill Jump to the back of the secret service agent The limousine of President John F. Kennssy After being shot, he was forced to take a break early. He is 93 years old.

His publisher said Hill died at home in Belveaterere in California. Death has not been given.

The minority could recognize his name, but there were some pictures of the assassination of the assassination of Abraham Zapruder November 22, 1963.

Hill won the Secret Service Awards and enhances his actions.

“If I had a little quick response, I would think I could think of it.” And I will live with my grave. “

In recent years, Hill has been the assassination of the assassination. Said that what happened. Last year Cbs Information Draane asked the hill If he still blames himself.

1963 On November 22, Dallas dropped in Dallas in Dallas in Dallas in Dallas.
1963 On November 22, Dallas dropped in Dallas in Dallas in Dallas in Dallas.

AP Photo / ike Altgens

Hill said he was completely allowed to herself.

“When your father is assigned to do what you do, you are assigned to the altitude of the president. I was alone in my watch.”

The first president Jacqueline Kennessy passed directly to the left-handed car of a car behind the president when he passed through Dealey Plaza.

Hill told the Warren Commission that he had seen the Warren Commission after hearing the shot and declined in the president’s seat and the decline in the president’s seat. The president struck the hills with headaches with leadership.

Zapruer’s Capted Hill jumped out of the secret service car and attracts the trunk of the trunk of Limousine. He is Mrs. When the limousine that left Kennnedy was shut down, she crawled on the back on the back.

John F. Kennedy 50th anniversary of the assassination of
US first female woman Jacqueline Kennydy Kennydy Kennydy Kennydy Kennydy has served in the president’s car during the assassination of US President Kennedy.

Tom Pennington / Getty Pictures

Later, Hill took the details of the White House in charge of the protection of the White House and eventually retired by the memories of the memories of the mind and the memories of the assassination.

1993 About a former secret entrepreneur who was assassinated by JFK’s assassinator. – JFK was inspired inside the interior of the assassination.

Hill was born in 1932, and he attended Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, and worked as a railroad service before entering the secret service in 1958. The president and first family.

Since his retirement, Hill has revealed the assassination, but the Wallace was the 1975th interview of the Wallace several times.

“If I respond to fifty fifty seconds, it’s a second faster, it’s more faster.

“Do you mean that you will get that? Wallace asked.

“The third shot is yes, teacher”

“And it will be well with you.”

“This will be fine with me,” Hill responded.

Hill, called “60 minutes” interview with “Catathartic Experience”

Hill was 43 and he recently retired the interview with the 1975 interview. Wallace clerks to the hills after 20 years. Requested another interview. Hill wrote a letter returned to Wallace.

2005, between you and you, “Wallace recounts the interview with the hills as his career.

60 minutes
Interview with mike Wallace of the agency’s subjects and gum hills. October 14, 1975 Date of October 14th. New York, New York.

Photo with CBS via getty pictures

In 2006, Wallace and Hill first interviewed the first 60 minutes of “60 minutes” by starting the Hearning Producting in Reppecate in Reppessed Myanmar in the CNN.

After the assassination of the assassination for decades, Hill married in 2021.

McCubbin Hill Hope everyone was looking forward to the rest of the lifetime. “We were soulmates. “

Clint Hill also becomes a speaker and his experience in Dallas. Interviewed interviews. In 2018, he declared the highest civilian honor of data, Theodore Roosevelvula RILDER RIDER RIDER AWARD. The portrait of a hill honors the individual Capitol Gallery of Celfy.

The private funeral will be held at Washington DC on the future date.

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