| Do you know these adventures for heart disease? Find out the survey of many Americans.

Do you know these adventures for heart disease? Find out the survey of many Americans.

The biggest heart disease risk factors

Many Americans do not notice some of the possibilities of heart disease


According to a recent survey by Cleveland Clinic, many Americans have not been aware of the risks of heart disease.

40% of respondents used tobacco in the National Survey. They did not know that the effects of heart disease had affected.

“Most people do the counters the counter vitamins like nature,

Another well-known risk point? Sleep Deprivivation, Sarraju said.

“This is the nature of your lifestyle. It affects the dietary forms. It can affect the exercise forms. It can affect the workout forms.

Some adventure points cannot change the genetic effect, but you can improve others.

  • Tobacco use
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Physical activity

The American heart disease shows stress and stress. Notes indicate other points to participate in alcohol and food.

According to the survey, the doctors admit that the three in four of them would be very dangerous that three in four were over their specific hearts.

Cleveland Clinic Dr Samir Kapadia, Cleveland Clinic Dr Samir Kapadia, Cleveland Clinic Dr. Samir Kapadia, said: “However, not assume the specified medicines can be done properly for the long-term consequences of heart health.”

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