Customers have shown customers to buy the customers to buy fancy cars and good jewelry with the prices of the car, but the goods seem to think they are.
In the last summer, CBS News found a crowded room with the crews, but in the class of good artists, the developers in the series of artists were crowded with the Persian rugs.
However, watching the auction website tells buyers about the buyers on the auction.
“Descriptions believed that the statements were accurate statements, but” printing “or” printing “is” an idea “.
Revatar, the first auction in October 2021 attended the first auction. It was a bad experience.
“I feel like I took advantage of it,” she told CBS News.
She spent $ 6,000 in “authenticated” Picasso. Then gut come from coming.
“They are cheap,” Simmons said.
The independent evaluator concluded only $ 70 worth.
“I was very angry.
When she discovers her loss she is in any other position? Once the auctions end, there are no more signs.
Simmons said, “They are doing this because they give up innocent people because they are doing a lot of money like me.
CBS News Requests did not respond to KBS news requests.
Congress Schaaksky, which represents the district of the Congress of the Illinois Township, said she hoped to use her influence to investigate the federal trade commission.
Schaakowsky said, “I think it’s sure that it needs to stop it.” These auctions are not under the law. “
The FTC does not respond to CBS’s request for comment.
In the meantime, industrial experts and the auctioneer Renee Jones said the key was the key.
Jones said: “No formal auctions.” A few weeks market, there are online cards. Having an official website. Sharing your license on your website. “