Gaia VPPA Class Action Settlement 2024

Settlement of GAIA VPPA Class Action, Criteria to fulfill the claims conditions

The settlement of the Gaia VPPA Class Action is based on a case of a Gaia case, Inc. This is a highly equipped streaming service that offers yoga, meditation and wellness content. This is where Guida against Gaia, Inc.

Gaia VPPA Class Class

The alleged action is that Streaming Service Gaia, Inc., which flows wellness content, has leaked information on the views of users to third parties without their consent, violating the VPPA.

According to settlement terms, Gaia agreed to set up a two-million dollar fund to settle the US subscribers’ requests that fulfilled the US 12 service between September 12, 2020 and July 19, 2024, and also had an active Facebook account while reviewing pre-recorded videos on its websites.

The distribution is proportional, so that all members of the class, who are eligible for submission of requests, share equally revenues from the net settlement after they have rejected all administrative costs approved by the court, the lawyer’s compensation and the costs.

Criteria to accept the Gaia VPPA Class Settlement

The fulfillment of the Gaia VPPa settlement is only experienced by those belonging to the settlement class. Follow these steps to determine if you qualify.

  • You are a member of the settlement class if:
  • Stand in the United States;
  • From September 12, 2020.MrH. July 2024. You subscribed or otherwise enrolled in order to get access to Gaija’s services.
  • You have accessed pre -recorded videos (including repetitions on request) available on the Gaia, and web browser web site.
  • You were an active Facebook user at the time of your access to Gaia content.

The amount of the GAIA VPPA Class Action

If the court directs it, Gaia will establish a two -million -dollar settlement fund to use the members of the Klasm Klas that meet the conditions.

  • The settlement fund is distributed to the members of the settlement class, which have properly and properly submitted requests to the settlement administrator.
  • The distribution is on proportion, which means that any applicant who is qualified for the requirements will receive an equal share of the fund after there have been imposed deductions.

Defensions include:

  • Settlement Administration
  • Corresponding taxes and tax -related costs
  • Any law festivities awarded by the courts
  • Any award for services awarded by the court to prosecutors
  • Any other deductions allowed by the court

Fair relief:

  • In addition to the harm of dollar, settlement settlements Gaia on a ban on the prohibition from continuing to use Facebook tracking pixels on any of the pages on the Gaia website containing video and involving the URL that identify such a video.
  • This suspension remains in force until the VPPA is changed so that such consent, abolish or declared invalid by the Supreme Court of the United States or the appellanting court of the tenth round because of its findings on the Pixel Technology website.

How to apply for a Gaia VPPA Class action?

GAIA subscribers can apply and receive payment in accordance with this procedure.

  • Visit a settlement website at, settlement information and patterns needed to complete.
  • First, you have to go through the criteria of eligibility to ensure that you qualify on the basis of what is mentioned on the settlement website.
  • You can submit a request form, including subscribers and contact numbers.
  • You can submit your request through a post or online on the settlement site. Be sure to submit your request until December 2, 2024.
  • Keep a copy of the application form and any letter you receive about the settlement.

Gaia VPPA Class action tape

The settlement of the GAIA VPPA Class Action are important dates are:

  • Listening about righteousness: The court set a hearing for righteousness for settlement on December 9, 2024.
  • Authorization and Payment time: If approved, payments to the members of the class that meet the conditions whose requests were approved will be made within 90 days after the date of entry into force, after the final approval of the court and any complaints.
  • Payment methods: Members of the settlement class are obtained by two choices of payment-one by electronic means and the other way by checking paper.
  • Redistribution of unprocessed funds: The remaining unknown or returned funds will be given to members who have brought the initial circuit of the checks or received electronic payments, only if a secondary circle member receive at least $ 5.

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