Parkmobile Class Action Settlement

Settlement of the Parkmobile Class Action: Fulfillment of Terms, Deadline for Submitting, Payment amount

Georgia District Court gave preliminary approval for Parkmobile, digital parking with App Class Action ACTION. With the approval of the court, the settlement administrator has published a form for the request for receipt of the fee.

According to the Parkmobile settlement, the defendant agrees to pay a lawsuit with a $ 32.8 million fund that will be distributed in various categories of class members to submit a request form. ParkMobile users affected by a violation of data 2021. I can check all the settlement details here.

Parkmobile class action settlement

The lawsuit against Parkmobile was filed on May 25, 2021 at the Federal Court in the State of Georgia after a violation of data in 2021, claimed that the defendant did not protect the user data in the 2021 data violation.

The lawsuit states that the data violation of 2021 influenced the consumers and made them vulnerable to the theft of identity, fraud and other false activities. One prosecutor claims that his Paypal was associated with the Parkmobile application, he had to spend hours to alleviate the risk of theft and activities of third parties.

Now, after several years, the court approved the preliminary approval of the prosecutor’s proposed settlement, to which the prosecutor agreed. The defendant denied any injustice and suggested that he settled a lawsuit with a settlement in the amount of $ 32.8 million. People who live in the United States who have been affected by Parkmobile 2021 data violation may request a fee by submitting a request for a request before the deadline of 05 March 2025.

Settlement of Parkmobile Class Action Important Dates

As Parkmobile’s Action Settlement received preliminary approval, people have safely received a notice or related to the settlement, if they determined the following dates to use their rights:

Events of Parkmobile settlements Dates
Deadline for submission of requests 05. March 2025
Exclude from/ settlement object 03. February 2025
Final Authorization Hearing March 13, 2025. At 10 o’clock

Who can ask for the action settlement of Parkmobile class?

People who meet the following conditions of eligibility will be members of the class and can request a Parkmobile settlement:

  • People who received a notification from Parkmobile by informing them about the violation of data 2021.
  • Your personal information was stolen or exposed to risk due to a violation of March 2021 data announced by the defendant,


  • The judges involved in the settlement, their staff or close family members are excluded from the payment of a settlement.
  • People who are excluded from the settlement or decide to switch off by sending a form before the deadline will not be part of the settlement after that.

Payment of the Parkmobile Class Action Settlement

According to the Parkmobile Class Action Settlement, the class member may decide to receive cash payment. Applicants will receive payment of cash after the administrator fulfills the following costs:

  • Administrator costs for settlement,
  • Cost of litigation
  • Award for Class Representatives Services.

The defendant will provide cash from the Fund without a reversion monetary settlement up to $ 9,000,000, if if the upper costs exceed $ 300,000, each class member will receive cash payment of up to $ 25 on the basis of PRO-TRA distribution.

Now the class members who do not select cash will receive the code via Parkmobile, which will offer a $ 1 loan for users, which they can use anytime when entering the code to the Parkmobile application in the year. According to the agreement, the defendant will provide $ 21,000,000 for loans, and about 21 million class members will receive this loan.

The settlement offers an additional loan of $ 2500,000 for business rehabilitation measures that Parkmobile plans to implement to improve their rehabilitation service in such situations and provide better support in the future in such data violations.

The combined value of all funds is a settlement of a total of $ 32.8 million, which will be used to provide the benefit of members of the class and improve Parkmobile services.

How to request an action settlement of Parkmobile class?

ParkMobile users affected in the 2021 data violation and want to request that the fee approved in the settlement may submit the application form in the following ways:

  • Online: If you can send online, you can visit the Parkmobile website settlement on and go to the option of submitting a request. You will need to enter your notification ID and certificate code that you may have received from the settlement notification, and if you do not have a notification ID, you can also send a request via your name and address E -Ap with other relevant accompanying documents.
  • Offline: If you are not comfortable online, you can download the form from the settlement website and fill out the form with accurate details to submit the fulfilled form to the following address:
  • Parkmobile data security incident
  • ATTN: claims forms
  • Arch 1650 Street, Apartment 2210
  • Philadelphia, P! 19103

If you have any doubts or questions about the settlement, you can consult an administrator via free number 1-866-944-4062 or by email (E -sted protected).

When will you receive the payment of Parkmobile settlements?

Members of the Parkmobile Parkmobile class can receive payment through different payment methods, so their payment date can vary depending on the method they have selected. The administrator will process the Parkmobile settlement after the Federal Court approves the settlement and distribution fund at the final justice hearing, which will be held on March 13, 2025.

If the settlement receives the approval of the Federal Court, the administrator will process the payment for a month and the members of the class with electronic payment methods will receive a payment earlier. Thus, if there is no appeal to the court’s decision, members of the class with valid requests may expect their compensation from Parkmobile in May 2025.

The Georgia Court approved the preliminary approval of the Parkmobile settlement of $ 32.8, the members of the class should file a request form before the deadline, March 05, 2024. To receive payment or loan in cash.

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